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ABS Journal Ranking 2024版目录(AJG2024目录),共收录1822本期刊。




由英国商学院协会(the Association of Business Schools)ABS出版的高质量学术期刊指南,在2010年及以前经管领域学术期刊星级划分标准依据ABS商学期刊指南,2015年及以后AJG取代了ABS评级,每隔3年发布一次。其中,ABS评级包括4、3、2、1共4种类型,AJG评级包括4*、4、3、2、1共5种类型。







1ACCOUNTAccounting Review4*
2ACCOUNTAccounting, Organizations and Society4*
3ACCOUNTJournal of Accounting and Economics4*
4ACCOUNTJournal of Accounting Research4*
5ACCOUNTContemporary Accounting Research4
6ACCOUNTReview of Accounting Studies4
8ACCOUNTAccounting and Business Research3
9ACCOUNTAccounting Forum3
10ACCOUNTAccounting Horizons3
11ACCOUNTAccounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal3
13ACCOUNTBehavioral Research in Accounting3
14ACCOUNTBritish Accounting Review3
15ACCOUNTBritish Tax Review3
16ACCOUNTCritical Perspectives on Accounting3
17ACCOUNTEuropean Accounting Review3
18ACCOUNTFinancial Accountability and Management3
19ACCOUNTFoundations and Trends in Accounting3
20ACCOUNTInternational Journal of Accounting3
21ACCOUNTJournal of Accounting and Public Policy3
22ACCOUNTJournal of Accounting Literature3
23ACCOUNTJournal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance3
24ACCOUNTJournal of Business Finance and Accounting3
25ACCOUNTJournal of Financial Reporting3
26ACCOUNTJournal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation3
27ACCOUNTJournal of the American Taxation Association3
28ACCOUNTManagement Accounting Research3
29ACCOUNTAccounting and Finance2
30ACCOUNTAccounting and the Public Interest2
31ACCOUNTAccounting in Europe2
32ACCOUNTAccounting Research Journal2
33ACCOUNTAccounting, Economics and Law: A Convivium2
34ACCOUNTAdvances in Accounting2
35ACCOUNTAdvances in Accounting Behavioral Research2
36ACCOUNTAdvances in Management Accounting2
37ACCOUNTAdvances in Taxation2
39ACCOUNTAsia-Pacific Journal of Accounting and Economics2
38ACCOUNTAsian Review of Accounting2
40ACCOUNTAustralian Accounting Review2
41ACCOUNTChina Journal of Accounting Research2
42ACCOUNTCurrent Issues in Auditing2
43ACCOUNTInternational Journal of Accounting and Information Management2
44ACCOUNTInternational Journal of Accounting Information Systems2
45ACCOUNTInternational Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Performance Evaluation2
46ACCOUNTInternational Journal of Auditing2
47ACCOUNTInternational Journal of Disclosure and Governance2
48ACCOUNTInternational Journal of Managerial and Financial Accounting2
49ACCOUNTJournal of Accounting and Organizational Change2
50ACCOUNTJournal of Accounting in Emerging Economies2
51ACCOUNTJournal of Applied Accounting Research2
52ACCOUNTJournal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics2
53ACCOUNTJournal of Forensic Accounting Research2
54ACCOUNTJournal of International Accounting Research2
55ACCOUNTJournal of International Financial Management and Accounting2
56ACCOUNTJournal of Management Accounting Research2
57ACCOUNTJournal of Management Control2
58ACCOUNTJournal of Public Budgeting, Accounting and Financial Management2
59ACCOUNTJournal of Tax Administration2
60ACCOUNTManagerial Auditing Journal2
61ACCOUNTQualitative Research in Accounting and Management2
62ACCOUNTSustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal2
63ACCOUNTAccounting, Finance & Governance Review 1
64ACCOUNTAdvances in Environmental Accounting and Management1
65ACCOUNTAdvances in Public Interest Accounting1
66ACCOUNTAfrican Journal of Accounting, Auditing and Finance1
67ACCOUNTAsian Journal of Accounting Research1
68ACCOUNTATA Journal of Legal Tax Research1
69ACCOUNTAustralasian Accounting, Business and Finance Journal1
70ACCOUNTChina Journal of Accounting Studies1
71ACCOUNTComptabilite Controle Audit1
73ACCOUNTInternational Journal of Critical Accounting1
74ACCOUNTJournal of Accounting and Management Information Systems1
75ACCOUNTJournal of Accounting and Taxation1
76ACCOUNTJournal of Forensic and Investigative Accounting (previously Journal of Forensic Accounting)1
77ACCOUNTJournal of Governmental & Non-Profit Accounting1
78ACCOUNTJournal of Information Systems1
79ACCOUNTJournal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research 1
80ACCOUNTManagement Accounting Frontiers1
81ACCOUNTMeditari Accountancy Research1
82ACCOUNTPacific Accounting Review1
83ACCOUNTResearch on Professional Responsibility and Ethics in Accounting1
84ACCOUNTRevista Contabilidade & Finanças1
85ACCOUNTRevista de Contabilidad-Spanish Accounting Review1
86ACCOUNTRevista Espanola de Financiacion y Contabilidad1
87ACCOUNTSocial and Environmental Accountability Journal1
88ACCOUNTSouth African Journal of Accounting Research1
89ACCOUNTWorld Tax Journal1
90BUS HIST & ECON HISTBusiness History4
91BUS HIST & ECON HISTBusiness History Review4
92BUS HIST & ECON HISTEconomic History Review4
93BUS HIST & ECON HISTEnterprise and Society3
94BUS HIST & ECON HISTEuropean Review of Economic History3
95BUS HIST & ECON HISTExplorations in Economic History3
96BUS HIST & ECON HISTJournal of Economic History3
97BUS HIST & ECON HISTAccounting Historians Journal2
98BUS HIST & ECON HISTAccounting History2
99BUS HIST & ECON HISTAccounting History Review2
100BUS HIST & ECON HISTAustralian Economic History Review2
101BUS HIST & ECON HISTCliometrica2
102BUS HIST & ECON HISTEconomic History of Developing Regions2
103BUS HIST & ECON HISTEntreprises et Histoire2
104BUS HIST & ECON HISTEssays in Economic and Business History2
105BUS HIST & ECON HISTEuropean Journal of the History of Economic Thought2
106BUS HIST & ECON HISTFinancial History Review2
107BUS HIST & ECON HISTJournal of the History of Economic Thought2
108BUS HIST & ECON HISTJournal of Transport History2
109BUS HIST & ECON HISTLabor History2
110BUS HIST & ECON HISTManagement and Organizational History2
111BUS HIST & ECON HISTHistorical Studies in Industrial Relations1
112BUS HIST & ECON HISTIrish Economic and Social History1
113BUS HIST & ECON HISTJournal of European Economic History1
114BUS HIST & ECON HISTJournal of Historical Research in Marketing1
115BUS HIST & ECON HISTJournal of Management History1
116BUS HIST & ECON HISTRevista de Historia Economica - Journal of Iberian and Latin American Economic History1
117BUS HIST & ECON HISTScandinavian Economic History Review1
118BUS HIST & ECON HISTZeitschrift für Unternehmensgeschichte1
119ECONAmerican Economic Review4*
120ECONAnnals of Statistics4*
122ECONJournal of Political Economy4*
123ECONQuarterly Journal of Economics4*
124ECONReview of Economic Studies4*
125ECONAmerican Economic Journal: Applied Economics4
126ECONAmerican Economic Journal: Macroeconomics4
128ECONEconometric Theory4
129ECONEconomic Journal4
130ECONInternational Economic Review4
131ECONJournal of Business and Economic Statistics4
132ECONJournal of Econometrics4
133ECONJournal of Economic Literature4
134ECONJournal of Economic Perspectives4
135ECONJournal of Economic Theory4
136ECONJournal of International Economics4
137ECONJournal of Labor Economics4
138ECONJournal of Monetary Economics4
139ECONJournal of the American Statistical Association4
140ECONJournal of the European Economic Association4
141ECONJournal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B: Statistical Methodology4
142ECONQuantitative Economics4
143ECONRAND Journal of Economics4
144ECONReview of Economics and Statistics4
145ECONTheoretical Economics4
146ECONAmerican Economic Journal: Economic Policy3
147ECONAmerican Economic Journal: Microeconomics3
148ECONAmerican Economic Review: Insights3
149ECONAmerican Journal of Agricultural Economics3
150ECONAnnual Review of Economics3
151ECONBrookings Papers on Economic Activity3
152ECONCambridge Journal of Economics3
153ECONCanadian Journal of Economics3
154ECONComputational Statistics and Data Analysis3
155ECONEcological Economics3
156ECONEconometric Reviews3
157ECONEconometrics Journal3
158ECONEconomic Development and Cultural Change3
159ECONEconomic Inquiry3
160ECONEconomic Policy3
161ECONEconomic Theory3
163ECONEconomics Letters3
164ECONEnergy Economics3
165ECONEnvironmental and Resource Economics3
166ECONEuropean Economic Review3
167ECONEuropean Review of Agricultural Economics3
168ECONExperimental Economics3
169ECONGames and Economic Behavior3
170ECONHealth Economics (United Kingdom)3
171ECONIMF Economic Review3
172ECONInternational Journal of Industrial Organization3
173ECONInternational Statistical Review3
174ECONJournal of Agricultural Economics3
175ECONJournal of Applied Econometrics3
176ECONJournal of Comparative Economics3
177ECONJournal of Computational and Graphical Statistics3
178ECONJournal of Development Economics3
179ECONJournal of Economic Behavior and Organization3
180ECONJournal of Economic Dynamics and Control3
181ECONJournal of Economic Growth3
182ECONJournal of Environmental Economics and Management3
183ECONJournal of Health Economics3
184ECONJournal of Human Capital3
185ECONJournal of Human Resources3
186ECONJournal of Industrial Economics3
187ECONJournal of Institutional Economics3
188ECONJournal of Law and Economics3
189ECONJournal of Law, Economics, and Organization3
190ECONJournal of Legal Studies3
191ECONJournal of Mathematical Economics3
192ECONJournal of Multivariate Analysis3
193ECONJournal of Population Economics3
194ECONJournal of Public Economics3
195ECONJournal of Risk and Uncertainty3
196ECONJournal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists3
197ECONJournal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A: Statistics in Society3
198ECONJournal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C: Applied Statistics3
199ECONJournal of Time Series Analysis3
200ECONJournal of Urban Economics3
201ECONLabour Economics3
202ECONLand Economics3
203ECONOxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics3
204ECONOxford Economic Papers3
205ECONPublic Choice3
206ECONReal Estate Economics3
207ECONReview of Economic Dynamics3
208ECONReview of Income and Wealth3
209ECONScandinavian Journal of Economics3
210ECONScandinavian Journal of Statistics3
211ECONSocial Choice and Welfare3
212ECONWorld Bank Economic Review3
213ECONAdvances in Econometrics2
214ECONAgricultural Economics (United Kingdom)2
215ECONAmerican Journal of Health Economics2
216ECONAmerican Law and Economics Review2
217ECONAnnals of Applied Statistics2
218ECONAnnals of Economics and Finance2
219ECONAnnals of Public and Cooperative Economics2
220ECONAnnual Review of Resource Economics2
221ECONApplied Economic Perspectives and Policy2
222ECONApplied Economics2
223ECONAustralian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics2
224ECONB.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy2
225ECONB.E. Journal of Macroeconomics2
226ECONB.E. Journal of Theoretical Economics2
227ECONBulletin of Economic Research2
228ECONCanadian Journal of Agricultural Economics2
229ECONCESifo Economic Studies2
230ECONChina Economic Review2
231ECONComputational Statistics2
232ECONContemporary Economic Policy2
233ECONContributions to Political Economy2
234ECONDefence and Peace Economics2
235ECONEcon Journal Watch2
236ECONEconomic Modelling2
237ECONEconomic Record2
238ECONEconomic Systems2
239ECONEconomic Systems Research2
240ECONEconomic Theory Bulletin2
241ECONEconomics and Human Biology2
242ECONEconomics and Philosophy2
243ECONEconomics and Politics2
244ECONEconomics of Education Review2
245ECONEconomics of Innovation and New Technology2
246ECONEconomics of Transition and Institutional Change2
247ECONEmpirical Economics2
248ECONEnvironment and Development Economics2
249ECONEuropean Journal of Health Economics2
250ECONEuropean Journal of Political Economy2
251ECONFiscal Studies2
252ECONGENEVA Risk and Insurance Review2
253ECONGerman Economic Review2
254ECONHistory of Political Economy2
255ECONInformation Economics and Policy2
256ECONInternational Journal of Economic Theory2
257ECONInternational Journal of Game Theory2
258ECONInternational Journal of Health Economics and Management2
259ECONInternational Journal of the Economics of Business2
260ECONInternational Review of Economics and Finance2
261ECONInternational Review of Environmental and Resource Economics2
262ECONInternational Review of Law and Economics2
263ECONJournal of African Economies2
264ECONJournal of Agrarian Change2
265ECONJournal of Agricultural and Resource Economics2
266ECONJournal of Applied Probability2
267ECONJournal of Applied Statistics2
268ECONJournal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics2
269ECONJournal of Business Economics2
270ECONJournal of Cultural Economics2
271ECONJournal of Economic Inequality2
272ECONJournal of Economic Issues2
273ECONJournal of Economic Methodology2
274ECONJournal of Economic Studies2
275ECONJournal of Economic Surveys2
276ECONJournal of Economics/ Zeitschrift fur Nationalokonomie2
277ECONJournal of Evolutionary Economics2
278ECONJournal of Family and Economic Issues2
279ECONJournal of Forest Economics2
280ECONJournal of Housing Economics2
281ECONJournal of Industry, Competition and Trade2
282ECONJournal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics2
283ECONJournal of International Development2
284ECONJournal of Macroeconomics2
285ECONJournal of Nonparametric Statistics2
286ECONJournal of Policy Modeling2
287ECONJournal of Post Keynesian Economics2
288ECONJournal of Productivity Analysis2
289ECONJournal of Public Economic Theory2
290ECONJournal of Regulatory Economics2
291ECONJournal of Statistical Planning and Inference2
292ECONJournal of the Economics of Ageing2
293ECONJournal of the Japanese and International Economies2
294ECONJournal of Time Series Econometrics2
295ECONMacroeconomic Dynamics2
296ECONManagerial and Decision Economics2
297ECONManchester School2
298ECONMathematical Social Sciences2
299ECONNational Tax Journal2
300ECONNetworks and Spatial Economics2
301ECONNorth American Journal of Economics and Finance2
302ECONOpen Economies Review2
303ECONOxford Development Studies2
304ECONOxford Review of Economic Policy2
305ECONPacific Economic Review2
307ECONQuarterly Review of Economics and Finance2
308ECONRationality and Society2
309ECONResource and Energy Economics2
310ECONResources Policy2
311ECONReview of Behavioral Economics2
312ECONReview of Development Economics2
313ECONReview of Economic Design2
314ECONReview of Economics of the Household2
315ECONReview of Environmental Economics and Policy2
316ECONReview of Industrial Organization2
317ECONReview of International Economics2
318ECONReview of Law and Economics2
319ECONReview of Network Economics2
320ECONReview of Political Economy2
321ECONReview of World Economics2
322ECONScottish Journal of Political Economy2
323ECONSouthern Economic Journal2
324ECONSpatial Economic Analysis2
325ECONStata Journal2
326ECONStatistics and Probability Letters2
327ECONStudies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics2
328ECONWorld Bank Research Observer2
329ECONWorld Economy2
330ECONAdvances in Austrian Economics1
331ECONAdvances in Decision Sciences1
333ECONAgricultural and Resource Economics Review1
334ECONAnnals of Economics and Statistics1
335ECONApplied Economic Analysis1
336ECONApplied Economics Letters1
337ECONApplied Health Economics and Heath Policy1
338ECONAquaculture, Economics and Management1
339ECONAsian Economic Journal1
340ECONAsian Economic Papers1
341ECONAtlantic Economic Journal1
342ECONAustralian Economic Papers1
343ECONAustralian Economic Review1
344ECONBaltic Journal of Economics1
345ECONBehavioural Public Policy 1
346ECONBulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies1
347ECONBusiness Economics1
348ECONChina Agricultural Economic Review1
349ECONChina and World Economy1
350ECONChina Economic Journal1
351ECONCogent Economics and Finance1
352ECONComparative Economic Studies1
353ECONComputational Economics1
354ECONConstitutional Political Economy1
355ECONContemporary Economics1
356ECONCredit and Capital Markets1
357ECONDe Economist1
358ECONDecisions in Economics and Finance1
359ECONDynamic Games and Applications1
360ECONEastern Economic Journal1
361ECONEastern European Economics1
364ECONEconomia Agraria y Recursos Naturales – Agricultural and Resource Economics1
365ECONEconomic Analysis and Policy1
366ECONEconomic and Social Review1
367ECONEconomic Change and Restructuring1
368ECONEconomic Issues1
369ECONEconomic Notes1
370ECONEconomic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja1
371ECONEconomics and Business Letters1
372ECONEconomics and Sociology1
373ECONEconomics of Energy and Environmental Policy1
374ECONEconomics of Governance1
375ECONEconomics of Transportation1
377ECONEconomists' Voice1
378ECONEducation Economics1
379ECONEkonomicheskaya Politika / Economic Policy1
382ECONEnvironmental Economics and Policy Studies1
383ECONEurasian Economic Review1
384ECONEuropean Journal of Economics and Economic Policies: Intervention1
385ECONEuropean Journal of Law and Economics1
387ECONForum for Health Economics and Policy1
388ECONFoundations and Trends in Econometrics1
390ECONGlobal Economic Review1
391ECONGlobal Economy Journal1
392ECONGlobal Journal of Emerging Market Economies1
393ECONHacienda Pública Española / Review of Public Economics1
394ECONInterdisciplinary Journal of Economics and Business Law1
396ECONInternational Advances in Economic Research1
397ECONInternational Economic Journal1
398ECONInternational Economics1
399ECONInternational Game Theory Review1
400ECONInternational Journal of Computational Economics and Econometrics1
401ECONInternational Journal of Ecological Economics and Statistics1
402ECONInternational Journal of Happiness and Development1
403ECONInternational Journal of Political Economy1
404ECONInternational Journal of Social Economics1
405ECONInternational Review of Applied Economics1
406ECONJahrbucher fur Nationalokonomie und Statistik1
407ECONJapan and the World Economy1
408ECONJapanese Economic Review1
409ECONJapanese Political Economy1
410ECONJournal for Labour Market Research1
411ECONJournal of Agricultural & Applied Economics1
412ECONJournal of Agricultural and Food Industrial Organization1
413ECONJournal of Air Transport Management1
414ECONJournal of Applied Economics1
415ECONJournal of Asian Economics1
416ECONJournal of Bioeconomics1
417ECONJournal of Choice Modelling1
418ECONJournal of Competition Law & Economics1
419ECONJournal of Developing Areas1
420ECONJournal of Econometric Methods1
421ECONJournal of Economic and Administrative Sciences1
422ECONJournal of Economic and Financial Sciences1
423ECONJournal of Economic Asymmetries1
424ECONJournal of Economic Cooperation and Development1
425ECONJournal of Economic Education1
426ECONJournal of Economic Integration1
427ECONJournal of Economic Interaction and Coordination1
428ECONJournal of Economic Policy Reform1
429ECONJournal of Gambling Business and Economics 1
430ECONJournal of Income Distribution1
431ECONJournal of Industrial and Business Economics1
432ECONJournal of Interdisciplinary Economics1
433ECONJournal of International Trade and Economic Development1
434ECONJournal of Mechanism and Institution Design1
435ECONJournal of Media Economics1
436ECONJournal of the Asia Pacific Economy1
437ECONJournal of the Economic Science Association1
438ECONMan and the Economy1
440ECONMineral Economics1
441ECONMontenegrin Journal of Economics1
442ECONNational Institute Economic Review1
443ECONNatural Resources Journal1
444ECONNETNOMICS: Economic Research and Electronic Networking1
445ECONNew Zealand Economic Papers1
446ECONPeace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy1
447ECONPortuguese Economic Journal1
448ECONPost-Communist Economies1
449ECONPSL Quarterly Review1
450ECONQuantitative and Qualitative Analysis in Social Sciences1
451ECONQuantitative Finance and Economics1
452ECONQuarterly Journal of Austrian Economics1
453ECONResearch in Economics1
454ECONResearch in Transportation Economics1
455ECONReview of Austrian Economics1
456ECONReview of Economic Analysis1
457ECONReview of Economics and Political Science1
458ECONReview of Financial Economics1
459ECONReview of Radical Political Economics1
460ECONRussian Journal of Economics1
462ECONSouth African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences1
463ECONSouth African Journal of Economics1
464ECONSouth Asia Economic Journal1
465ECONStatistical Analysis and Data Mining1
466ECONStrategic Behavior and the Environment1
467ECONStudies in Agricultural Economics1
468ECONStudies in Economics and Finance1
469ECONStudies in Microeconomics1
470ECONSwiss Journal of Economics and Statistics1
471ECONThe Forum for Social Economics1
472ECONThe Journal of Retirement1
473ECONTijdschrift Voor Economische en Sociale Geografie1
474ENT-SBMEntrepreneurship Theory and Practice4*
475ENT-SBMJournal of Business Venturing4*
476ENT-SBMStrategic Entrepreneurship Journal4
477ENT-SBMEntrepreneurship and Regional Development3
478ENT-SBMFamily Business Review3
479ENT-SBMInternational Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research3
480ENT-SBMInternational Small Business Journal3
481ENT-SBMJournal of Small Business Management3
482ENT-SBMSmall Business Economics3
483ENT-SBMEntrepreneurship Research Journal2
484ENT-SBMInternational Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation2
485ENT-SBMInternational Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business2
486ENT-SBMInternational Review of Entrepreneurship 2
487ENT-SBMJournal of Business Venturing Insights2
488ENT-SBMJournal of Family Business Strategy2
489ENT-SBMJournal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship2
490ENT-SBMJournal of Small Business and Enterprise Development2
491ENT-SBMJournal of Social Entrepreneurship2
492ENT-SBMVenture Capital2
493ENT-SBMInternational Entrepreneurship and Management Journal1
494ENT-SBMInternational Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing1
495ENT-SBMInternational Journal of Management and Enterprise Development1
496ENT-SBMInternational Journal of Small and Medium Enterprises1
497ENT-SBMJournal of Enterprising Communities1
498ENT-SBMJournal of Enterprising Culture1
499ENT-SBMJournal of Entrepreneurship1
500ENT-SBMJournal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Emerging Economies1
501ENT-SBMJournal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy1
502ENT-SBMJournal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies1
503ENT-SBMJournal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation1
504ENT-SBMJournal of International Entrepreneurship1
505ENT-SBMJournal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship1
506ENT-SBMSmall Business International Review1
507ENT-SBMSmall Enterprise Research1
508ENT-SBMSocial Enterprise Journal1
509ENT-SBMWorld Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development1
510ETHICS-CSR-MANAcademy of Management Annals4*
511ETHICS-CSR-MANAcademy of Management Journal4*
512ETHICS-CSR-MANAcademy of Management Review4*
513ETHICS-CSR-MANAdministrative Science Quarterly4*
514ETHICS-CSR-MANJournal of Management4*
515ETHICS-CSR-MANAcademy of Management Perspectives4
516ETHICS-CSR-MANBritish Journal of Management4
517ETHICS-CSR-MANJournal of Management Studies4
518ETHICS-CSR-MANAcademy of Management Discoveries 3
519ETHICS-CSR-MANBusiness and Society3
520ETHICS-CSR-MANBusiness Ethics Quarterly3
521ETHICS-CSR-MANCalifornia Management Review3
522ETHICS-CSR-MANEuropean Management Review3
523ETHICS-CSR-MANGender and Society3
524ETHICS-CSR-MANGender, Work and Organization3
525ETHICS-CSR-MANHarvard Business Review3
526ETHICS-CSR-MANInternational Journal of Management Reviews3
527ETHICS-CSR-MANJournal of Business Ethics3
528ETHICS-CSR-MANJournal of Business Research3
529ETHICS-CSR-MANJournal of Management Inquiry3
530ETHICS-CSR-MANMIT Sloan Management Review3
531ETHICS-CSR-MANAfrica Journal of Management2
532ETHICS-CSR-MANAustralian Journal of Management2
533ETHICS-CSR-MANBRQ Business Research Quarterly2
534ETHICS-CSR-MANBusiness and Politics2
535ETHICS-CSR-MANBusiness Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility2
536ETHICS-CSR-MANBusiness Horizons2
537ETHICS-CSR-MANCanadian Journal of Administrative Sciences2
538ETHICS-CSR-MANCompetition and Change2
539ETHICS-CSR-MANEquality, Diversity and Inclusion: an International Journal2
540ETHICS-CSR-MANEurasian Business Review2
541ETHICS-CSR-MANEuropean Business Review2
542ETHICS-CSR-MANEuropean Journal of Women's Studies2
543ETHICS-CSR-MANEuropean Management Journal2
544ETHICS-CSR-MANFeminist Economics2
545ETHICS-CSR-MANFeminist Review2
546ETHICS-CSR-MANGlobal Journal of Flexible Systems Management2
547ETHICS-CSR-MANIIM Kozhikode Society & Management Review2
548ETHICS-CSR-MANInternational Journal of Business Governance and Ethics2
549ETHICS-CSR-MANInternational Journal of Conflict Management2
550ETHICS-CSR-MANInternational Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship2
551ETHICS-CSR-MANInternational Studies of Management and Organization2
552ETHICS-CSR-MANJournal of Intellectual Capital2
553ETHICS-CSR-MANJournal of Management and Organization2
554ETHICS-CSR-MANManagement Decision2
555ETHICS-CSR-MANManagement Revue2
556ETHICS-CSR-MANReview of Managerial Science2
557ETHICS-CSR-MANScandinavian Journal of Management2
558ETHICS-CSR-MANSchmalenbach Journal of Business Research2
561ETHICS-CSR-MANActa Commercii 1
562ETHICS-CSR-MANAmerican Journal of Business 1
563ETHICS-CSR-MANAnnals of Work Exposures and Health1
564ETHICS-CSR-MANAsian Journal of Management Cases1
565ETHICS-CSR-MANBaltic Journal of Management1
566ETHICS-CSR-MANBusiness & Professional Ethics Journal1
567ETHICS-CSR-MANBusiness and Human Rights Journal1
568ETHICS-CSR-MANBusiness Perspectives and Research1
570ETHICS-CSR-MANCogent Business and Management1
571ETHICS-CSR-MANEconomic and Business Review1
572ETHICS-CSR-MANEmerald Emerging Markets Case Studies1
573ETHICS-CSR-MANFIIB Business Review 1
574ETHICS-CSR-MANGender in Management: An International Journal1
575ETHICS-CSR-MANGlobal Business Review1
576ETHICS-CSR-MANInternational Journal of Arts Management1
577ETHICS-CSR-MANInternational Journal of Business Competition and Growth1
578ETHICS-CSR-MANInternational Journal of Business Environment1
579ETHICS-CSR-MANInternational Journal of Business Excellence1
580ETHICS-CSR-MANInternational Journal of Contemporary Management1
581ETHICS-CSR-MANInternational Journal of Globalisation and Small Business1
582ETHICS-CSR-MANInternational Journal of Knowledge-Based Development1
583ETHICS-CSR-MANInternational Journal of Management and Decision Making1
584ETHICS-CSR-MANInternational Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy1
585ETHICS-CSR-MANInternational Journal of Management Practice1
586ETHICS-CSR-MANInternational Journal of Management, Economics and Social Sciences1
587ETHICS-CSR-MANInternational Journal of Managing Projects in Business1
588ETHICS-CSR-MANIranian Journal of Management Studies1
589ETHICS-CSR-MANIrish Journal of Management1
590ETHICS-CSR-MANJournal for Global Business Advancement1
591ETHICS-CSR-MANJournal of Contemporary Administration 1
592ETHICS-CSR-MANJournal of Creating Value 1
593ETHICS-CSR-MANJournal of Family Business Management1
594ETHICS-CSR-MANJournal of General Management1
595ETHICS-CSR-MANJournal of Global Responsibility 1
596ETHICS-CSR-MANJournal of Human Values1
597ETHICS-CSR-MANJournal of Indian Business Research1
598ETHICS-CSR-MANJournal of Islamic Business & Management1
599ETHICS-CSR-MANJournal of Management and Governance1
600ETHICS-CSR-MANJournal of Management Sciences1
601ETHICS-CSR-MANJournal of Management, Spirituality and Religion1
602ETHICS-CSR-MANJournal of Revenue and Pricing Management1
604ETHICS-CSR-MANManagement Research Review1
605ETHICS-CSR-MANMeasuring Business Excellence1
606ETHICS-CSR-MANMetamorphosis- A Journal of Management Research 1
607ETHICS-CSR-MANOrganization Management Journal1
608ETHICS-CSR-MANPolicy and Practice in Health and Safety1
609ETHICS-CSR-MANProblems and Perspectives in Management1
610ETHICS-CSR-MANPSU Research Review: An International Interdisciplinary Journal1
611ETHICS-CSR-MANRAE Revista de Administracao de Empresas1
612ETHICS-CSR-MANRAUSP Management Journal1
613ETHICS-CSR-MANSafety and Reliability1
614ETHICS-CSR-MANSocial Responsibility Journal1
615ETHICS-CSR-MANSouth Asian Journal of Business and Management Cases1
616ETHICS-CSR-MANSouth Asian Journal of Business Studies1
617ETHICS-CSR-MANSymphonya. Emerging Issues in Management1
618ETHICS-CSR-MANVezetlstudomány | Budapest Management Review 1
621FINANCEJournal of Finance4*
622FINANCEJournal of Financial Economics4*
623FINANCEReview of Financial Studies4*
624FINANCEJournal of Corporate Finance4
625FINANCEJournal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis4
626FINANCEJournal of Financial Intermediation4
627FINANCEJournal of Money, Credit and Banking4
628FINANCEReview of Finance4
629FINANCEAnnual Review of Financial Economics3
630FINANCECorporate Governance: An International Review3
631FINANCEEuropean Financial Management3
632FINANCEEuropean Journal of Finance3
633FINANCEFinance and Stochastics3
634FINANCEFinancial Analysts Journal3
635FINANCEFinancial Management3
636FINANCEFinancial Markets, Institutions and Instruments3
637FINANCEFinancial Review3
638FINANCEInsurance: Mathematics and Economics3
639FINANCEInternational Journal of Central Banking3
640FINANCEInternational Journal of Finance and Economics3
641FINANCEInternational Review of Financial Analysis3
642FINANCEJournal of Banking and Finance3
643FINANCEJournal of Commodity Markets3
644FINANCEJournal of Empirical Finance3
645FINANCEJournal of Financial Econometrics3
646FINANCEJournal of Financial Markets3
647FINANCEJournal of Financial Research3
648FINANCEJournal of Financial Services Research3
649FINANCEJournal of Financial Stability3
650FINANCEJournal of Futures Markets3
651FINANCEJournal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money3
652FINANCEJournal of International Money and Finance3
653FINANCEJournal of Portfolio Management3
654FINANCEJournal of Real Estate Finance and Economics3
655FINANCEJournal of Risk and Insurance3
656FINANCEMathematical Finance3
657FINANCEQuantitative Finance3
658FINANCEReview of Asset Pricing Studies3
659FINANCEReview of Corporate Finance Studies3
660FINANCEReview of Quantitative Finance and Accounting3
661FINANCEAnnals of Corporate Governance2
662FINANCEAnnals of Finance2
663FINANCEApplied Mathematical Finance2
664FINANCEAsia-Pacific Financial Markets2
666FINANCECorporate Governance (Bingley)2
667FINANCEEmerging Markets Finance and Trade2
668FINANCEEmerging Markets Review2
669FINANCEEuropean Actuarial Journal2
670FINANCEFinance Research Letters2
671FINANCEFinancial Innovation2
672FINANCEFinancial Markets and Portfolio Management2
673FINANCEFoundations and Trends in Finance2
674FINANCEGeneva Papers on Risk and Insurance: Issues and Practice2
675FINANCEGlobal Finance Journal2
676FINANCEInternational Journal of Banking, Accounting and Finance2
677FINANCEInternational Journal of Managerial Finance2
678FINANCEInternational Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance2
679FINANCEInternational Tax and Public Finance2
680FINANCEJournal of Alternative Investments2
681FINANCEJournal of Asset Management2
682FINANCEJournal of Banking Regulation2
683FINANCEJournal of Behavioral Finance2
684FINANCEJournal of Derivatives2
685FINANCEJournal of Economics and Business2
686FINANCEJournal of Emerging Market Finance2
687FINANCEJournal of Fixed Income2
692FINANCEJournal of Law, Finance, and Accounting2
688FINANCEJournal of Multinational Financial Management2
689FINANCEJournal of Operational Risk2
690FINANCEJournal of Pension Economics and Finance2
691FINANCEJournal of Risk2
693FINANCENorth American Actuarial Journal2
694FINANCEPacific Basin Finance Journal2
695FINANCEResearch in International Business and Finance2
696FINANCEReview of Accounting and Finance2
697FINANCEReview of Derivatives Research2
698FINANCEReview of Development Finance2
699FINANCESIAM Journal on Financial Mathematics2
700FINANCEAfrican Finance Journal1
701FINANCEAgricultural Finance Review1
702FINANCEAnnals of Actuarial Science1
703FINANCEBancaria The Journal of the Italian Banking Association1
704FINANCEBanks and Bank Systems1
705FINANCEBritish Actuarial Journal1
706FINANCEChina Finance Review International1
707FINANCECritical Finance Review1
709FINANCEFinancial Services Review1
710FINANCEInsurance Markets and Companies1
711FINANCEIntelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management1
712FINANCEInternational Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management1
713FINANCEInvestment Analysts Journal1
714FINANCEInvestment Management and Financial Innovations1
715FINANCEJournal of Applied Corporate Finance1
716FINANCEJournal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance1
717FINANCEJournal of Capital Markets Studies1
718FINANCEJournal of Computational Finance1
719FINANCEJournal of Credit Risk1
720FINANCEJournal of Economics and Finance1
721FINANCEJournal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Science1
722FINANCEJournal of Energy Markets1
723FINANCEJournal of Financial Economic Policy1
724FINANCEJournal of Financial Management, Markets and Institutions1
725FINANCEJournal of Financial Market Infrastructures1
726FINANCEJournal of Financial Regulation and Compliance1
727FINANCEJournal of Financial Reporting and Accounting1
728FINANCEJournal of Investment Strategies1
729FINANCEJournal of Prediction Markets1
730FINANCEJournal of Property Investment and Finance1
731FINANCEJournal of Risk Finance1
732FINANCEJournal of Risk Model Validation1
733FINANCEJournal of Sustainable Finance and Investment1
734FINANCEManagerial Finance1
735FINANCEMultinational Finance Journal1
736FINANCEPublic and Municipal Finance1
737FINANCEQualitative Research in Financial Markets1
738FINANCEQuarterly Journal of Finance1
739FINANCEQuarterly Journal of Finance and Accounting (QJFA)1
740FINANCEReview of Behavioral Finance1
741FINANCEScandinavian Actuarial Journal1
742FINANCEThe Journal of Beta Investment Strategies1
743FINANCEThe Journal of Financial Data Science1
744FINANCEThe Journal of Investing1
745FINANCEThe Journal of Structured Finance1
746FINANCEThe Journal of Wealth Management1
747HRM&EMPHuman Resource Management Journal (UK)4*
748HRM&EMPBritish Journal of Industrial Relations4
749HRM&EMPHuman Resource Management (USA)4
750HRM&EMPIndustrial Relations4
751HRM&EMPWork, Employment and Society4
752HRM&EMPEconomic and Industrial Democracy3
753HRM&EMPEuropean Journal of Industrial Relations3
754HRM&EMPHuman Resource Management Review3
755HRM&EMPILR Review3
756HRM&EMPIndustrial Law Journal3
757HRM&EMPIndustrial Relations Journal3
758HRM&EMPInternational Journal of Human Resource Management3
759HRM&EMPNew Technology, Work and Employment3
760HRM&EMPWork and Occupations3
761HRM&EMPAsia Pacific Journal of Human Resources2
762HRM&EMPCareer Development International2
763HRM&EMPCareer Development Quarterly2
764HRM&EMPEmployee Relations2
765HRM&EMPEmployee Responsibilities and Rights Journal2
766HRM&EMPHuman Resource Development International2
767HRM&EMPHuman Resource Development Quarterly2
768HRM&EMPHuman Resource Development Review2
769HRM&EMPIndustrielle Beziehungen2
770HRM&EMPInternational Journal of Manpower2
771HRM&EMPInternational Journal of Training and Development2
772HRM&EMPInternational Labour Review2
773HRM&EMPJournal of Global Mobility2
774HRM&EMPJournal of Industrial Relations2
775HRM&EMPJournal of Labor Research2
776HRM&EMPJournal of Organizational Effectiveness2
777HRM&EMPJournal of Participation and Employee Ownership2
778HRM&EMPLabor Studies Journal2
779HRM&EMPLabour and Industry: a journal of social and economic relations of work2
780HRM&EMPPersonnel Review2
781HRM&EMPRelations Industrielles/Industrial Relations2
782HRM&EMPSociologie du Travail2
784HRM&EMPWork in the Global Economy2
785HRM&EMPWork, Aging and Retirement2
786HRM&EMPZeitschrift für Personalforschung (German Journal of Research in Human Resource Management)2
787HRM&EMPAdvances in Industrial and Labor Relations1
788HRM&EMPAfrican Journal of Employee Relations1
789HRM&EMPAustralian Journal of Labour Economics1
790HRM&EMPEconomic and Labour Relations Review1
791HRM&EMPEvidence-based HRM1
792HRM&EMPIndian Journal of Labour Economics1
793HRM&EMPIndustrial and Commercial Training1
794HRM&EMPInternational Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations1
795HRM&EMPInternational Journal of Employment Studies1
796HRM&EMPInternational Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital1
797HRM&EMPJournal of Work-Applied Management1
799HRM&EMPManagement and Labour Studies 1
800HRM&EMPResearch in Personnel and Human Resources Management1
801HRM&EMPSA Journal of Human Resource Management1
802HRM&EMPSouth Asian Journal of Human Resources Management1
803HRM&EMPTeam Performance Management1
804HRM&EMPWork Organisation, Labour and Globalisation1
805IB&AREAJournal of International Business Studies4*
806IB&AREAJournal of World Business4
807IB&AREAAfrican Affairs3
808IB&AREAAsia Pacific Journal of Management3
809IB&AREAInternational Business Review3
810IB&AREAJournal of Common Market Studies3
811IB&AREAJournal of International Business Policy3
812IB&AREAJournal of International Management3
813IB&AREAManagement and Organization Review3
814IB&AREAManagement International Review3
815IB&AREAMultinational Business Review3
816IB&AREAAsia Pacific Business Review2
817IB&AREAAsian Business and Management2
818IB&AREAChina Quarterly2
819IB&AREACritical Perspectives on International Business2
820IB&AREACross Cultural and Strategic Management2
821IB&AREAEurasian Geography and Economics2
822IB&AREAEuroMed Journal of Business2
824IB&AREAEurope-Asia Studies2
823IB&AREAEuropean Journal of International Management2
825IB&AREAJournal of Business Economics and Management2
826IB&AREAJournal of Latin American Studies2
827IB&AREAJournal of Modern African Studies2
828IB&AREAJournal of World Trade2
829IB&AREAReview of African Political Economy2
830IB&AREAThird World Quarterly2
831IB&AREAThunderbird International Business Review2
832IB&AREAAcademia Revista Latinoamericana de Administracion1
833IB&AREAAfrican Journal of Economic and Management Studies1
834IB&AREAAsia Pacific Management Review1
835IB&AREAAsia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration1
836IB&AREAChinese Management Studies1
837IB&AREACompetitiveness Review1
838IB&AREAForeign Trade Review1
839IB&AREAGlobal Business and Economics Review1
840IB&AREAInternational Journal of Business and Emerging Markets1
841IB&AREAInternational Journal of Cross Cultural Management1
842IB&AREAInternational Journal of Emerging Markets1
843IB&AREAInternational Journal of Export Marketing 1
844IB&AREAInternational Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management1
845IB&AREAInternational Trade Journal1
846IB&AREAJournal for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development1
847IB&AREAJournal of African Business1
848IB&AREAJournal of Asia Business Studies1
849IB&AREAJournal of Asia-Pacific Business1
850IB&AREAJournal of Chinese Economic and Business Studies1
851IB&AREAJournal of East European Management Studies1
852IB&AREAJournal of East-West Business1
853IB&AREAJournal of Transnational Management1
854IB&AREALatin American Business Review1
855IB&AREAManagement Research1
856IB&AREAReview of International Business and Strategy1
857IB&AREARevista de Gestão1
858IB&AREASouth African Journal of Business Management1
859IB&AREASouth Asian Journal of Macroeconomics and Public Finance1
860IB&AREATransnational Corporations Review1
861INFO MANInformation Systems Research4*
862INFO MANJournal of the Association for Information Systems4*
863INFO MANMIS Quarterly: Management Information Systems4*
864INFO MANEuropean Journal of Information Systems4
865INFO MANInformation Systems Journal4
866INFO MANJournal of Information Technology4
867INFO MANJournal of Management Information Systems4
868INFO MANJournal of Strategic Information Systems4
869INFO MANDecision Support Systems3
870INFO MANGovernment Information Quarterly3
871INFO MANInformation and Management3
872INFO MANInformation and Organization3
873INFO MANInformation Society3
874INFO MANInformation Systems Frontiers3
875INFO MANInformation Technology and People3
876INFO MANInternational Journal of Electronic Commerce3
877INFO MANInternet Research3
878INFO MANJournal of Computer-Mediated Communication3
879INFO MANJournal of the Association for Information Science and Technology (JASIST)3
880INFO MANAIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction2
881INFO MANAnnual Review of Information Science and Technology2
882INFO MANBehaviour and Information Technology2
883INFO MANBritish Journal of Educational Technology2
884INFO MANBusiness & Information Systems Engineering2
885INFO MANCommunications of the ACM2
886INFO MANCommunications of the Association for Information Systems2
887INFO MANComputer Journal2
888INFO MANComputer Supported Cooperative Work2
889INFO MANComputers in Human Behavior2
890INFO MANElectronic Commerce Research2
891INFO MANElectronic Commerce Research and Applications2
892INFO MANEnterprise Information Systems2
893INFO MANExpert Systems2
894INFO MANHealth Information and Libraries Journal2
895INFO MANHealth Systems2
896INFO MANIndustrial Management and Data Systems2
897INFO MANInformation Processing and Management2
898INFO MANInformation Systems and e-Business Management2
899INFO MANInformation Systems Management2
900INFO MANInformation Technology for Development2
901INFO MANInteracting with Computers2
902INFO MANInternational Journal of Human Computer Studies2
903INFO MANInternational Journal of Information Management2
904INFO MANJournal of Computer Information Systems2
905INFO MANJournal of Documentation2
906INFO MANJournal of Enterprise Information Management2
907INFO MANJournal of Global Information Management2
908INFO MANJournal of Global Information Technology Management2
909INFO MANJournal of Information Science2
910INFO MANJournal of Systems and Software2
911INFO MANMIS Quarterly Executive2
912INFO MANPacific Asia Journal of the Association for Information Systems2
913INFO MANRequirements Engineering2
914INFO MANScandinavian Journal of Information Systems2
915INFO MANThe Data Base for Advances in Information Systems2
916INFO MANAslib Journal of Information Management1
917INFO MANAustralasian Journal of Information Systems1
918INFO MANe-Service Journal1
919INFO MANEthics and Information Technology1
920INFO MANExpert Systems with Applications1
921INFO MANFoundations and Trends® in Information Systems1
922INFO MANHuman-Computer Interaction1
923INFO MANInformation and Computer Security1
924INFO MANInformation Research1
925INFO MANInformation Resources Management Journal1
926INFO MANInformation Technology & Tourism1
927INFO MANInformation Technology and Management1
928INFO MANInternational Journal of Business and Systems Research1
929INFO MANInternational Journal of Business Information Systems1
930INFO MANInternational Journal of Business Process Integration and Management1
931INFO MANInternational Journal of Data Analysis Techniques and Strategies1
932INFO MANInternational Journal of Digital Strategy, Governance, and Business Transformation1
933INFO MANInternational Journal of e-Business Research1
934INFO MANInternational Journal of Electronic Business1
935INFO MANInternational Journal of Enterprise Information Systems1
936INFO MANInternational Journal of Information Systems and Change Management1
937INFO MANInternational Journal of Information Systems in the Service Sector1
938INFO MANInternational Journal of Information Technology and Management1
939INFO MANInternational Journal of Knowledge Management1
940INFO MANInternational Journal of Services Economics and Management1
941INFO MANInternational Journal of Web Information Systems1
942INFO MANJournal of Database Management1
943INFO MANJournal of Decision Systems1
944INFO MANJournal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations1
945INFO MANJournal of Electronic Commerce Research1
946INFO MANJournal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting1
947INFO MANJournal of Information Systems Education1
948INFO MANJournal of Information Technology Case and Application Research1
949INFO MANJournal of Information Technology Management1
950INFO MANJournal of Information Technology Teaching Cases1
951INFO MANJournal of Informetrics1
952INFO MANJournal of Internet Commerce1
953INFO MANJournal of Organizational and End User Computing1
954INFO MANJournal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce1
955INFO MANJournal of Systems and Information Technology1
956INFO MANJournal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research1
957INFO MANKnowledge Management Research and Practice1
958INFO MANLibrary Hi Tech (LHT)1
959INFO MANOnline Information Review1
960INFO MANOnline Journal of Applied Knowledge Management1
961INFO MANSoftware Impacts1
962INFO MANSouth African Journal of Information Management1
963INFO MANThe Bottom Line1
964INNOVResearch Policy4*
965INNOVJournal of Product Innovation Management4
966INNOVIndustry and Innovation3
967INNOVJournal of Technology Transfer3
968INNOVR and D Management3
969INNOVTechnological Forecasting and Social Change3
971INNOVCreativity and Innovation Management2
972INNOVInnovation: Organization & Management2
973INNOVInternational Journal of Innovation Management2
974INNOVJournal of Engineering and Technology Management - JET-M2
975INNOVJournal of High Technology Management Research2
976INNOVJournal of Responsible Innovation2
978INNOVResearch Technology Management2
979INNOVScience and Technology Studies2
980INNOVScience Technology and Human Values2
982INNOVSocial Studies of Science2
983INNOVStructural Change and Economic Dynamics2
984INNOVAnnals of Science and Technology Policy1
985INNOVAsian Journal of Technology Innovation1
986INNOVEuropean Journal of Innovation Management1
987INNOVInternational Journal of Business Innovation and Research1
988INNOVInternational Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management1
989INNOVInternational Journal of Foresight and Innovation Policy1
990INNOVInternational Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development1
991INNOVInternational Journal of Innovation and Technology Management1
992INNOVInternational Journal of Innovation Science1
993INNOVInternational Journal of Product Development1
994INNOVInternational Journal of Technological Learning, Innovation and Development1
995INNOVInternational Journal of Technology and Globalisation1
996INNOVInternational Journal of Technology Intelligence and Planning1
997INNOVInternational Journal of Technology Management and Sustainable Development1
998INNOVInternational Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialisation1
999INNOVInternational Journal of Technology, Policy and Management1
1000INNOVInternational Journal of the Digital Human1
1001INNOVJournal of Innovation and Knowledge1
1002INNOVJournal of Innovation Economics & Management1
1003INNOVJournal of Innovation Management (JIM)1
1004INNOVJournal of Science and Technology Policy Management1
1005INNOVJournal of the Knowledge Economy1
1006INNOVTechnology Innovation Management Review1
1007MDEV&EDUAcademy of Management Learning and Education4*
1008MDEV&EDUManagement Learning3
1009MDEV&EDUStudies in Higher Education3
1010MDEV&EDUAccounting Education2
1011MDEV&EDUAdvances in Developing Human Resources2
1012MDEV&EDUAssessment and Evaluation in Higher Education2
1013MDEV&EDUBritish Educational Research Journal2
1014MDEV&EDUBritish Journal of Guidance and Counselling2
1015MDEV&EDUEuropean Journal of Higher Education2
1016MDEV&EDUHigher Education2
1017MDEV&EDUHigher Education Policy2
1018MDEV&EDUHigher Education Quarterly2
1019MDEV&EDUINFORMS Transactions on Education2
1020MDEV&EDUInnovations in Education and Teaching International2
1021MDEV&EDUIssues in Accounting Education2
1022MDEV&EDUJournal of Accounting Education2
1023MDEV&EDUJournal of Education and Work2
1024MDEV&EDUJournal of Education Policy2
1025MDEV&EDUJournal of Higher Education2
1026MDEV&EDUJournal of International Business Education2
1027MDEV&EDUJournal of Management Education2
1028MDEV&EDUJournal of Marketing Education2
1029MDEV&EDUManagement Teaching Review2
1030MDEV&EDUTeaching in Higher Education2
1031MDEV&EDUAction Learning: Research and Practice1
1032MDEV&EDUActive Learning in Higher Education1
1033MDEV&EDUAdvances in Accounting Education: Teaching and Curriculum Innovations1
1035MDEV&EDUDecision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education1
1036MDEV&EDUEducation and Training1
1037MDEV&EDUElectronic Journal of e-Learning1
1038MDEV&EDUEuropean Journal of Training and Development1
1039MDEV&EDUHigher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning1
1040MDEV&EDUIndustry and Higher Education1
1041MDEV&EDUInternational Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring1
1042MDEV&EDUInternational Journal of Innovation and Learning1
1043MDEV&EDUInternational Journal of Knowledge and Learning1
1044MDEV&EDUInternational Journal of Learning and Change1
1045MDEV&EDUInternational Journal of Management Development1
1046MDEV&EDUInternational Journal of Management Education1
1047MDEV&EDUInternational Journal of Teaching and Case Studies 1
1048MDEV&EDUJournal for Advancement of Marketing Education1
1049MDEV&EDUJournal of Advertising Education1
1050MDEV&EDUJournal of Business Ethics Education1
1051MDEV&EDUJournal of Educational Administration1
1052MDEV&EDUJournal of Further and Higher Education1
1053MDEV&EDUJournal of Higher Education Policy and Management1
1054MDEV&EDUJournal of International Education in Business1
1055MDEV&EDUJournal of Management Development1
1056MDEV&EDUJournal of Organizational Behavior Education1
1057MDEV&EDUJournal of Vocational Education and Training1
1058MDEV&EDUJournal of Workplace Learning1
1059MDEV&EDUMarketing Education Review1
1060MDEV&EDUOperations Management Education Review1
1061MDEV&EDUQuality Assurance in Education1
1062MDEV&EDUTertiary Education and Management1
1063MDEV&EDUThe Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching & Learning1
1064MKTJournal of Consumer Psychology4*
1065MKTJournal of Consumer Research4*
1066MKTJournal of Marketing4*
1067MKTJournal of Marketing Research4*
1068MKTJournal of the Academy of Marketing Science4*
1069MKTMarketing Science4*
1070MKTInternational Journal of Research in Marketing4
1071MKTJournal of Retailing4
1072MKTEuropean Journal of Marketing3
1073MKTIndustrial Marketing Management3
1074MKTInternational Marketing Review3
1075MKTJournal of Advertising3
1076MKTJournal of Advertising Research3
1077MKTJournal of Interactive Marketing3
1078MKTJournal of International Marketing3
1079MKTJournal of Public Policy and Marketing3
1080MKTMarketing Letters3
1081MKTMarketing Theory3
1082MKTPsychology and Marketing3
1083MKTQuantitative Marketing and Economics3
1084MKTAcademy of Marketing Science Review2
1085MKTAdvances in Consumer Research2
1086MKTConsumption Markets and Culture2
1087MKTElectronic Markets2
1088MKTInternational Journal of Advertising2
1089MKTInternational Journal of Consumer Studies2
1090MKTInternational Journal of Market Research2
1091MKTInternational Journal of Retail and Distribution Management2
1092MKTJournal of Brand Management2
1093MKTJournal of Business and Industrial Marketing2
1094MKTJournal of Consumer Behaviour2
1095MKTJournal of Macromarketing2
1096MKTJournal of Marketing Management2
1097MKTJournal of Personal Selling and Sales Management2
1098MKTJournal of Retailing and Consumer Services2
1099MKTJournal of Services Marketing2
1100MKTJournal of Strategic Marketing2
1101MKTJournal of the Association for Consumer Research2
1102MKTQualitative Market Research2
1103MKTAsia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics1
1104MKTAustralasian Marketing Journal1
1105MKTCorporate Communications1
1106MKTCorporate Reputation Review1
1107MKTHealth Marketing Quarterly1
1108MKTInternational Journal of Bank Marketing1
1109MKTInternational Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising1
1110MKTInternational Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing1
1111MKTInternational Journal of Technology Marketing1
1112MKTInternational Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research1
1113MKTInternational Review on Public and Non-Profit Marketing1
1114MKTJournal of Business-to-Business Marketing1
1115MKTJournal of Communication Management1
1116MKTJournal of Consumer Affairs1
1117MKTJournal of Consumer Marketing1
1118MKTJournal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising1
1119MKTJournal of Fashion Marketing and Management1
1120MKTJournal of Financial Services Marketing1
1121MKTJournal of Global Fashion Marketing1
1122MKTJournal of Global Marketing1
1123MKTJournal of Interactive Advertising1
1124MKTJournal of International Consumer Marketing1
1125MKTJournal of Marketing Analytics1
1126MKTJournal of Marketing Communications1
1127MKTJournal of Marketing for Higher Education1
1128MKTJournal of Marketing Theory and Practice1
1129MKTJournal of Non-Profit and Public Sector Marketing1
1130MKTJournal of Philanthropy and Marketing1
1131MKTJournal of Product and Brand Management1
1132MKTJournal of Relationship Marketing1
1133MKTJournal of Research in Interactive Marketing1
1134MKTJournal of Social Marketing1
1135MKTMarketing Intelligence and Planning1
1136MKTRecherche et Applications en Marketing 1
1137MKTReview of Marketing Science1
1138MKTServices Marketing Quarterly1
1139MKTSocial Marketing Quarterly1
1140MKTSpanish Journal of Marketing - ESIC1
1141MKTYoung Consumers1
1142OPS&TECHJournal of Operations Management4*
1143OPS&TECHInternational Journal of Operations and Production Management4
1144OPS&TECHJournal of Supply Chain Management4
1145OPS&TECHProduction and Operations Management4
1146OPS&TECHComputers in Industry3
1147OPS&TECHIEEE Transactions on Engineering Management3
1148OPS&TECHInternational Journal of Production Economics3
1149OPS&TECHInternational Journal of Production Research3
1150OPS&TECHJournal of Business Logistics3
1151OPS&TECHJournal of Purchasing and Supply Management3
1152OPS&TECHManufacturing and Service Operations Management3
1153OPS&TECHProduction Planning and Control3
1154OPS&TECHSupply Chain Management3
1155OPS&TECHBusiness Process Management Journal2
1156OPS&TECHComputers and Industrial Engineering2
1157OPS&TECHInternational Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing2
1158OPS&TECHInternational Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management2
1159OPS&TECHInternational Journal of Project Management2
1160OPS&TECHInternational Journal of Quality and Reliability Management2
1161OPS&TECHInternational Journal of Technology Management2
1162OPS&TECHJournal of Construction Engineering and Management - ASCE2
1163OPS&TECHTotal Quality Management and Business Excellence2
1165OPS&TECHConcurrent Engineering Research and Applications1
1166OPS&TECHFlexible Services and Manufacturing Journal1
1167OPS&TECHFoundations and Trends in Technology, Information and Operations Management1
1168OPS&TECHInternational Journal of Agile Systems and Management1
1169OPS&TECHInternational Journal of Business Performance and Supply Chain Modelling1
1170OPS&TECHInternational Journal of Business Performance Management1
1171OPS&TECHInternational Journal of Construction Management1
1172OPS&TECHInternational Journal of Engineering Business Management1
1173OPS&TECHInternational Journal of Enterprise Network Management1
1174OPS&TECHInternational Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering1
1175OPS&TECHInternational Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management1
1176OPS&TECHInternational Journal of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management1
1177OPS&TECHInternational Journal of Integrated Supply Management1
1178OPS&TECHInternational Journal of Internet Manufacturing and Services1
1179OPS&TECHInternational Journal of Lean Six Sigma1
1180OPS&TECHInternational Journal of Logistics Management1
1181OPS&TECHInternational Journal of Logistics Research and Applications1
1182OPS&TECHInternational Journal of Logistics Systems and Management1
1183OPS&TECHInternational Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management1
1184OPS&TECHInternational Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking1
1185OPS&TECHInternational Journal of Procurement Management1
1186OPS&TECHInternational Journal of Productivity and Performance Management1
1187OPS&TECHInternational Journal of Productivity and Quality Management1
1188OPS&TECHInternational Journal of Quality and Service Sciences1
1189OPS&TECHInternational Journal of Services and Operations Management1
1190OPS&TECHInternational Journal of Services Operations and Informatics1
1191OPS&TECHInternational Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics1
1192OPS&TECHInternational Journal of Six Sigma and Competitive Advantage1
1193OPS&TECHInternational Journal of Value Chain Management1
1194OPS&TECHJournal of Global Operations and Strategic Sourcing1
1195OPS&TECHJournal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management1
1196OPS&TECHJournal of Intelligent Manufacturing1
1197OPS&TECHJournal of Manufacturing Systems1
1198OPS&TECHJournal of Manufacturing Technology Management1
1199OPS&TECHJournal of Public Procurement1
1200OPS&TECHJournal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering1
1201OPS&TECHJournal of Scheduling1
1202OPS&TECHJournal of Service Theory and Practice1
1203OPS&TECHJournal of Transport and Supply Chain Management1
1204OPS&TECHKnowledge and Process Management1
1205OPS&TECHOperations Management Research1
1206OPS&TECHProceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture1
1207OPS&TECHProduction & Manufacturing Research1
1208OPS&TECHProject Management Journal1
1209OPS&TECHQuality and Reliability Engineering International1
1210OPS&TECHQuality Innovation Prosperity1
1211OPS&TECHQuality Progress1
1212OPS&TECHService Science1
1213OPS&TECHSupply Chain Forum1
1214OPS&TECHTQM Journal1
1215OPS&TECHWorld Review of Intermodal Transportation Research1
1216OR&MANSCIManagement Science4*
1217OR&MANSCIOperations Research4*
1218OR&MANSCIEuropean Journal of Operational Research4
1219OR&MANSCIIEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation4
1220OR&MANSCIMathematical Programming4
1221OR&MANSCIACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation3
1222OR&MANSCIAnnals of Operations Research3
1223OR&MANSCIComputational Optimization and Applications3
1224OR&MANSCIComputers and Operations Research3
1225OR&MANSCIDecision Sciences3
1226OR&MANSCIEvolutionary Computation3
1227OR&MANSCIFuzzy Optimization and Decision Making3
1228OR&MANSCIIEEE Transactions on Cybernetics3
1229OR&MANSCIIEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems3
1230OR&MANSCIIISE Transactions3
1231OR&MANSCIINFORMS Journal on Computing3
1232OR&MANSCIInternational Journal of Forecasting3
1233OR&MANSCIJournal of Heuristics3
1234OR&MANSCIJournal of Optimization Theory and Applications3
1235OR&MANSCIJournal of the Operational Research Society3
1236OR&MANSCIMathematics of Operations Research3
1237OR&MANSCINaval Research Logistics3
1239OR&MANSCIOR Spectrum3
1240OR&MANSCIReliability Engineering and System Safety3
1241OR&MANSCISIAM Journal on Optimization3
1242OR&MANSCITransportation Science3
1244OR&MANSCIDiscrete Applied Mathematics2
1245OR&MANSCIDiscrete Optimization2
1246OR&MANSCIEngineering Optimization2
1247OR&MANSCIEURO Journal on Computational Optimization 2
1248OR&MANSCIEURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics2
1249OR&MANSCIEuropean Journal of Industrial Engineering2
1250OR&MANSCIGroup Decision and Negotiation2
1251OR&MANSCIIMA Journal of Management Mathematics2
1252OR&MANSCIINFORMS Journal on Applied Analytics2
1253OR&MANSCIInternational Journal of Systems Science: Operations & Logistics2
1254OR&MANSCIJournal of Combinatorial Optimization2
1255OR&MANSCIJournal of Forecasting2
1256OR&MANSCIJournal of Global Optimization2
1257OR&MANSCIJournal of Management Analytics2
1258OR&MANSCIJournal of Simulation2
1259OR&MANSCIOperations Research Letters2
1260OR&MANSCIQueueing Systems2
1261OR&MANSCISimulation Modelling Practice and Theory2
1262OR&MANSCISocio-Economic Planning Sciences2
1263OR&MANSCISystem Dynamics Review2
1264OR&MANSCISystems Research and Behavioral Science2
1265OR&MANSCITheory and Decision2
1266OR&MANSCIAsia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research1
1267OR&MANSCICentral European Journal of Operations Research1
1268OR&MANSCIComputational Management Science1
1269OR&MANSCICybernetics and Systems1
1270OR&MANSCIDecision Analysis1
1271OR&MANSCIEURO Journal on Decision Processes 1
1272OR&MANSCIINFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research1
1273OR&MANSCIInternational Journal of Applied Decision Sciences1
1274OR&MANSCIInternational Journal of General Systems1
1275OR&MANSCIInternational Journal of Mathematics in Operational Research1
1276OR&MANSCIInternational Journal of Operational Research1
1277OR&MANSCIInternational Journal of Operations and Quantitative Management1
1278OR&MANSCIInternational Transactions in Operational Research1
1279OR&MANSCIJournal of Business Analytics1
1280OR&MANSCIJournal of Industrial and Management Optimization1
1281OR&MANSCIJournal of Modelling in Management1
1282OR&MANSCIJournal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis1
1284OR&MANSCIMathematical Methods of Operations Research1
1285OR&MANSCIOperational Research1
1288OR&MANSCIPacific Journal of Optimization 1
1289OR&MANSCIPesquisa Operacional1
1290OR&MANSCIRAIRO - Operations Research1
1291OR&MANSCISIMULATION: Transactions of The Society for Modeling and Simulation International1
1293ORG STUDOrganization Science4*
1294ORG STUDHuman Relations4
1295ORG STUDLeadership Quarterly4
1296ORG STUDOrganization Studies4
1297ORG STUDOrganizational Research Methods4
1298ORG STUDGroup and Organization Management3
1299ORG STUDOrganization3
1300ORG STUDOrganization and Environment3
1301ORG STUDOrganizational Dynamics3
1302ORG STUDResearch in Organizational Behavior3
1303ORG STUDResearch in the Sociology of Organizations3
1304ORG STUDCulture and Organization2
1305ORG STUDGroup Processes and Intergroup Relations2
1306ORG STUDJournal of Co-operative Organization and Management2
1307ORG STUDJournal of Knowledge Management2
1308ORG STUDJournal of Organizational Behavior Management2
1309ORG STUDJournal of Organizational Change Management2
1310ORG STUDJournal of Professions and Organization2
1311ORG STUDLeadership2
1312ORG STUDManagement Communication Quarterly2
1313ORG STUDNegotiation Journal2
1314ORG STUDSymbolic Interaction2
1315ORG STUDSystemic Practice and Action Research2
1316ORG STUDThe Journal of Applied Behavioral Science2
1317ORG STUDAction Research1
1318ORG STUDComputational and Mathematical Organization Theory1
1319ORG STUDEphemera: Critical Dialogues on Organization1
1320ORG STUDInternational Journal of Knowledge Management Studies1
1321ORG STUDInternational Journal of Organization Theory and Behavior1
1322ORG STUDInternational Journal of Organizational Analysis1
1323ORG STUDInternational Journal of Project Organisation and Management1
1324ORG STUDJournal of Organizational Ethnography1
1325ORG STUDLeadership and Organization Development Journal1
1326ORG STUDLearning Organization1
1327ORG STUDNetwork Science1
1328ORG STUDOrganizations and Markets in Emerging Economies1
1329ORG STUDQualitative Research in Organizations and Management1
1330ORG STUDTamara: Journal for Critical Organization Inquiry1
1331PSYCH (GENERAL)Psychological Science4*
1332PSYCH (GENERAL)Annual Review of Psychology4
1333PSYCH (GENERAL)Behavioral and Brain Sciences4
1334PSYCH (GENERAL)Cognition4
1335PSYCH (GENERAL)Current Directions in Psychological Science4
1336PSYCH (GENERAL)Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied4
1337PSYCH (GENERAL)Journal of Experimental Psychology: General4
1338PSYCH (GENERAL)Journal of Experimental Social Psychology4
1339PSYCH (GENERAL)Journal of Personality and Social Psychology4
1340PSYCH (GENERAL)Nature Human Behaviour4
1341PSYCH (GENERAL)Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin4
1342PSYCH (GENERAL)Psychological Bulletin4
1343PSYCH (GENERAL)Psychological Review4
1344PSYCH (GENERAL)British Journal of Psychology3
1345PSYCH (GENERAL)British Journal of Social Psychology3
1346PSYCH (GENERAL)Cognitive Science3
1347PSYCH (GENERAL)European Journal of Social Psychology3
1348PSYCH (GENERAL)Journal of Behavioral Decision Making3
1349PSYCH (GENERAL)Journal of Conflict Resolution3
1350PSYCH (GENERAL)Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology3
1351PSYCH (GENERAL)Journal of Environmental Psychology3
1352PSYCH (GENERAL)Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning Memory and Cognition3
1353PSYCH (GENERAL)Journal of Mathematical Psychology3
1354PSYCH (GENERAL)Journal of Personality3
1355PSYCH (GENERAL)Judgment and Decision Making3
1356PSYCH (GENERAL)Personality and Individual Differences3
1357PSYCH (GENERAL)Psychological Research3
1358PSYCH (GENERAL)Psychology of Women Quarterly3
1359PSYCH (GENERAL)Psychometrika3
1360PSYCH (GENERAL)Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology3
1361PSYCH (GENERAL)Social Psychological and Personality Science3
1362PSYCH (GENERAL)Stress and Health3
1363PSYCH (GENERAL)Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science (AMPPS)2
1364PSYCH (GENERAL)Applied Cognitive Psychology2
1365PSYCH (GENERAL)Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications2
1366PSYCH (GENERAL)Collabra: Psychology2
1367PSYCH (GENERAL)Creativity Research Journal2
1368PSYCH (GENERAL)Decision2
1369PSYCH (GENERAL)European Journal of Psychological Assessment2
1370PSYCH (GENERAL)Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making2
1371PSYCH (GENERAL)Journal of Community Psychology2
1372PSYCH (GENERAL)Journal of Economic Psychology2
1373PSYCH (GENERAL)Journal of Language and Social Psychology2
1374PSYCH (GENERAL)Journal of Nonverbal Behavior2
1375PSYCH (GENERAL)Scandinavian Journal of Psychology2
1376PSYCH (GENERAL)Zeitschrift fur Psychologie / Journal of Psychology2
1377PSYCH (GENERAL)American Behavioral Scientist1
1378PSYCH (GENERAL)American Journal of Psychology1
1379PSYCH (GENERAL)Australian Journal of Psychology1
1380PSYCH (GENERAL)Basic and Applied Social Psychology1
1381PSYCH (GENERAL)Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science1
1382PSYCH (GENERAL)Canadian Psychology1
1383PSYCH (GENERAL)Current Psychology1
1402PSYCH (GENERAL)European Journal of Psychology Open1
1384PSYCH (GENERAL)European Psychologist1
1385PSYCH (GENERAL)International Journal of Intercultural Relations1
1386PSYCH (GENERAL)International Journal of Psychology1
1387PSYCH (GENERAL)Japanese Psychological Research1
1388PSYCH (GENERAL)Journal of Constructivist Psychology1
1389PSYCH (GENERAL)Journal of Happiness Studies1
1390PSYCH (GENERAL)Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology1
1391PSYCH (GENERAL)Journal of Positive Psychology1
1393PSYCH (GENERAL)Journal of Social Psychology1
1394PSYCH (GENERAL)Nordic Psychology1
1395PSYCH (GENERAL)Psicothema1
1396PSYCH (GENERAL)Psihologija1
1397PSYCH (GENERAL)Psychological Reports1
1398PSYCH (GENERAL)Psychologist1
1399PSYCH (GENERAL)Social Justice Research1
1400PSYCH (GENERAL)South African Journal of Psychology1
1401PSYCH (GENERAL)Spanish Journal of Psychology1
1392PSYCH (GENERAL)The Journal of Psychology1
1403PSYCH (WOP-OB)Journal of Applied Psychology4*
1404PSYCH (WOP-OB)Personnel Psychology4*
1405PSYCH (WOP-OB)Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology4
1406PSYCH (WOP-OB)Journal of Occupational Health Psychology4
1407PSYCH (WOP-OB)Journal of Organizational Behavior4
1408PSYCH (WOP-OB)Journal of Vocational Behavior4
1409PSYCH (WOP-OB)Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes4
1410PSYCH (WOP-OB)Work and Stress4
1411PSYCH (WOP-OB)Accident Analysis and Prevention3
1412PSYCH (WOP-OB)Applied Ergonomics3
1413PSYCH (WOP-OB)Applied Psychology3
1414PSYCH (WOP-OB)Ergonomics3
1415PSYCH (WOP-OB)European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology3
1416PSYCH (WOP-OB)Human Factors3
1417PSYCH (WOP-OB)Human Performance3
1418PSYCH (WOP-OB)International Journal of Rehabilitation Research3
1419PSYCH (WOP-OB)Journal of Business and Psychology3
1420PSYCH (WOP-OB)Journal of Managerial Psychology3
1421PSYCH (WOP-OB)Journal of School Psychology3
1422PSYCH (WOP-OB)Occupational and Environmental Medicine3
1423PSYCH (WOP-OB)Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health3
1424PSYCH (WOP-OB)Applied Psychological Measurement2
1425PSYCH (WOP-OB)Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being2
1426PSYCH (WOP-OB)Cognition, Technology and Work2
1427PSYCH (WOP-OB)Group Dynamics2
1428PSYCH (WOP-OB)International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health2
1429PSYCH (WOP-OB)International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics2
1430PSYCH (WOP-OB)International Journal of Selection and Assessment2
1431PSYCH (WOP-OB)International Journal of Stress Management2
1432PSYCH (WOP-OB)Journal of Applied Social Psychology2
1433PSYCH (WOP-OB)Journal of Career Assessment2
1434PSYCH (WOP-OB)Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine2
1435PSYCH (WOP-OB)Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation2
1436PSYCH (WOP-OB)Journal of Personnel Psychology2
1437PSYCH (WOP-OB)Journal of Safety Research2
1438PSYCH (WOP-OB)Organizational Psychology Review2
1439PSYCH (WOP-OB)Rehabilitation Psychology2
1440PSYCH (WOP-OB)Small Group Research2
1441PSYCH (WOP-OB)Community, Work and Family1
1442PSYCH (WOP-OB)Disability and Rehabilitation1
1443PSYCH (WOP-OB)European Work and Organizational Psychology in practice1
1444PSYCH (WOP-OB)Gedrag en Organisatie1
1445PSYCH (WOP-OB)Human Factors and Ergonomics In Manufacturing1
1446PSYCH (WOP-OB)IISE Transactions on Occupational Ergonomics and Human Factors1
1447PSYCH (WOP-OB)Industrial and Organizational Psychology1
1448PSYCH (WOP-OB)International Coaching Psychology Review1
1449PSYCH (WOP-OB)International Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance1
1450PSYCH (WOP-OB)International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics1
1451PSYCH (WOP-OB)International Journal of Workplace Health Management1
1452PSYCH (WOP-OB)International Negotiation1
1453PSYCH (WOP-OB)Journal of Career Development1
1454PSYCH (WOP-OB)Journal of Employment Counseling1
1455PSYCH (WOP-OB)Journal of Rehabilitation1
1456PSYCH (WOP-OB)Military Psychology1
1457PSYCH (WOP-OB)Occupational Medicine1
1458PSYCH (WOP-OB)Psychologie du Travail et des Organisations1
1459PSYCH (WOP-OB)Psychologist-Manager Journal1
1460PSYCH (WOP-OB)Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin1
1461PSYCH (WOP-OB)Research in Occupational Stress and Well Being1
1462PSYCH (WOP-OB)Revue Europeenne de Psychologie Appliquee1
1463PSYCH (WOP-OB)Social Work in Public Health1
1464PSYCH (WOP-OB)South African Journal of Industrial Psychology1
1465PSYCH (WOP-OB)Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology1
1466PSYCH (WOP-OB)The International Journal of Aerospace Psychology1
1467PSYCH (WOP-OB)TPM - Testing, Psychometrics, Methodology in Applied Psychology1
1468PSYCH (WOP-OB)Work1
1469PSYCH (WOP-OB)Zeitschrift fur Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie1
1470PUB SECPublic Administration Review4*
1471PUB SECGovernance4
1472PUB SECJournal of Public Administration Research and Theory4
1473PUB SECPublic Administration4
1474PUB SECPublic Management Review4
1475PUB SECAmerican Review of Public Administration3
1476PUB SECEnvironment and Planning C: Politics and Space3
1477PUB SECHealth Services Research3
1478PUB SECInternational Public Management Journal3
1479PUB SECInternational Review of Administrative Sciences3
1480PUB SECJournal of European Public Policy3
1481PUB SECJournal of Policy Analysis and Management3
1482PUB SECMilbank Quarterly3
1483PUB SECPolicy and Politics3
1484PUB SECPolicy Studies Journal3
1485PUB SECRegulation and Governance3
1486PUB SECAdministration and Society2
1487PUB SECAustralian Journal of Public Administration2
1488PUB SECEducational Management Administration and Leadership2
1489PUB SECEvidence and Policy2
1490PUB SECHealth Care Management Review2
1491PUB SECHealth Care Management Science2
1492PUB SECHealth Policy2
1493PUB SECInternational Journal of Emergency Services2
1494PUB SECInternational Journal of Public Administration2
1495PUB SECJournal of Health Services Research and Policy2
1496PUB SECJournal of Public Policy 2
1497PUB SECLocal Government Studies2
1498PUB SECPerspectives on Public Management & Governance2
1499PUB SECPolicing2
1500PUB SECPolicy Design and Practice2
1501PUB SECPolicy Studies2
1502PUB SECPublic Administration and Development2
1503PUB SECPublic Integrity2
1504PUB SECPublic Money and Management2
1505PUB SECPublic Organization Review2
1506PUB SECPublic Performance & Management Review2
1507PUB SECPublic Personnel Management2
1508PUB SECPublic Policy and Administration2
1509PUB SECReview of Policy Research2
1510PUB SECReview of Public Personnel Administration2
1511PUB SECSocial Policy and Administration2
1512PUB SECState Politics and Policy Quarterly2
1513PUB SECTransforming Government: People, Process and Policy2
1514PUB SECAdministrative Theory and Praxis1
1515PUB SECAsia and the Pacific Policy Studies1
1516PUB SECAsia Pacific Journal of Public Administration1
1517PUB SECBrazilian Journal of Public Administration (Revista de Administração Pública - RAP)1
1518PUB SECBritish Journal of Health Care Management1
1519PUB SECCanadian Public Administration1
1520PUB SECCanadian Public Policy/Analyse de politiques1
1521PUB SECHealth Services Management Research1
1522PUB SECInternational Journal of Educational Management1
1523PUB SECInternational Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance1
1524PUB SECInternational Journal of Health Governance1
1525PUB SECInternational Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management1
1526PUB SECInternational Journal of Public Leadership1
1527PUB SECInternational Journal of Public Sector Management1
1528PUB SECInternational Review of Public Administration1
1529PUB SECJournal of Asian Public Policy1
1530PUB SECJournal of Comparative Policy Analysis1
1531PUB SECJournal of Health Organization and Management1
1532PUB SECJournal of Public Affairs1
1533PUB SECJournal of Public Affairs Education1
1534PUB SECLeadership in Health Services1
1535PUB SECPolicing: A journal of policy and practice1
1536PUB SECPublic Administration Quarterly 1
1537PUB SECPublic Works Management and Policy1
1538PUB SECState and Local Government Review1
1539PUB SECTeaching Public Administration1
1540PUB SECVoluntary Sector Review1
1544REGIONAL STUDIES, PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTCambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society3
1546REGIONAL STUDIES, PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTEuropean Urban and Regional Studies3
1551REGIONAL STUDIES, PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTRegional Science and Urban Economics3
1555REGIONAL STUDIES, PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTConstruction Management and Economics2
1558REGIONAL STUDIES, PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTInternational Journal of Urban and Regional Research2
1559REGIONAL STUDIES, PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTJournal of Place Management and Development2
1563REGIONAL STUDIES, PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTBuilt Environment Project and Asset Management1
1564REGIONAL STUDIES, PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTCorporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management1
1565REGIONAL STUDIES, PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTInternational Journal of Energy Sector Management1
1566REGIONAL STUDIES, PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTInternational Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis1
1568REGIONAL STUDIES, PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTJournal of European Real Estate Research1
1569REGIONAL STUDIES, PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTJournal of Financial Management of Property and Construction1
1571REGIONAL STUDIES, PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTLetters in Spatial and Resource Sciences1
1573SECTORAnnals of Tourism Research4
1574SECTORJournal of Service Research4
1575SECTORJournal of Travel Research4
1576SECTORTourism Management4
1577SECTORTransportation Research, Series B: Methodological4
1578SECTOREnergy Journal3
1579SECTOREuropean Sport Management Quarterly3
1580SECTORFood Policy3
1581SECTORInternational Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management3
1582SECTORInternational Journal of Hospitality Management3
1583SECTORJournal of Sustainable Tourism3
1584SECTORNonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly3
1585SECTORTransportation Research, Part A: Policy and Practice3
1586SECTORTransportation Research, Part D: Transport and Environment3
1587SECTORTransportation Research, Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review3
1588SECTORAnnals of Leisure Research2
1589SECTORBuilding Research and Information2
1590SECTORCornell Hospitality Quarterly2
1591SECTORCurrent Issues in Tourism2
1592SECTOREnergy Policy2
1593SECTOREnvironmental Management2
1594SECTOREvent Management2
1595SECTORHospitality and Society2
1596SECTORInternational Journal of Strategic Property Management2
1597SECTORInternational Journal of Tourism Research2
1598SECTORJournal of Hospitality and Tourism Management2
1599SECTORJournal of Hospitality and Tourism Research2
1600SECTORJournal of Management in Engineering - ASCE2
1601SECTORJournal of Service Management2
1602SECTORJournal of Sport Management2
1603SECTORJournal of Sports Economics2
1604SECTORJournal of Transport Geography2
1605SECTORJournal of Travel and Tourism Marketing2
1606SECTORLeisure Sciences2
1607SECTORLeisure Studies2
1608SECTORMarine Policy2
1609SECTORMaritime Policy and Management2
1610SECTORMuseum Management and Curatorship2
1611SECTORScandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism2
1612SECTORService Industries Journal2
1613SECTORSport Management Review2
1614SECTORTourism Analysis2
1615SECTORTourism Economics2
1616SECTORTourism Geographies2
1617SECTORTourism Management Perspectives2
1618SECTORTourism Planning and Development2
1619SECTORTourism Recreation Research2
1620SECTORTransport Policy2
1621SECTORTransport Reviews2
1624SECTORAdvances in Hospitality and Leisure1
1625SECTORAnatolia: An International Journal of Tourism and Hospitality Research1
1626SECTORAsia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research1
1627SECTORBritish Food Journal1
1628SECTORDigital Policy, Regulation and Governance1
1629SECTOREngineering, Construction and Architectural Management1
1631SECTORInternational Hospitality Review1
1632SECTORInternational Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research1
1633SECTORInternational Journal of Event and Festival Management1
1634SECTORInternational Journal of Heritage Studies1
1635SECTORInternational Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Administration1
1636SECTORInternational Journal of Sport and Society1
1637SECTORInternational Journal of Sport Finance1
1638SECTORInternational Journal of Sport Management1
1639SECTORInternational Journal of Sport Management and Marketing1
1640SECTORInternational Journal of Sport Policy and Politics1
1641SECTORInternational Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship1
1642SECTORJournal of China Tourism Research1
1643SECTORJournal of Cleaner Production1
1644SECTORJournal of Convention and Event Tourism1
1645SECTORJournal of Destination Marketing and Management1
1646SECTORJournal of Ecotourism1
1647SECTORJournal of Foodservice Business Research1
1648SECTORJournal of Heritage Tourism1
1649SECTORJournal of Hospitality and Tourism Education1
1650SECTORJournal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology1
1651SECTORJournal of Hospitality Marketing and Management1
1652SECTORJournal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism Education1
1653SECTORJournal of Human Resources in Hospitality and Tourism1
1654SECTORJournal of Media Business Studies1
1655SECTORJournal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism1
1656SECTORJournal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events1
1657SECTORJournal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality and Tourism1
1658SECTORJournal of Sport and Tourism1
1659SECTORJournal of the Textile Institute1
1660SECTORJournal of Transport Economics and Policy1
1661SECTORJournal of Vacation Marketing1
1662SECTORManaging Leisure: An International Journal1
1663SECTORMarine Resource Economics1
1664SECTORMaritime Economics and Logistics1
1665SECTORNon-Profit Management & Leadership1
1666SECTORNutrition and Food Science1
1667SECTORPASOS Journal of Tourism and Cultural Heritage1
1668SECTORProperty Management1
1669SECTORService Business1
1670SECTORSport Marketing Quarterly1
1671SECTORSport, Business and Management: An International Journal1
1672SECTORTelecommunications Policy1
1674SECTORTourism Review1
1675SECTORTourism, Culture and Communication1
1673SECTORTourism: An International Interdisciplinary Journal1
1676SECTORTourist Studies1
1677SECTORUtilities Policy1
1678SECTORVisitor Studies1
1679SECTORWorld Leisure Journal1
1680SECTORWorldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes1
1681SOC SCIAmerican Journal of Political Science 4*
1682SOC SCIAmerican Journal of Sociology4*
1683SOC SCIAmerican Political Science Review 4*
1684SOC SCIAmerican Sociological Review4*
1685SOC SCIAnnual Review of Sociology4*
1686SOC SCIEnvironment and Planning D: Society and Space4
1687SOC SCIInternational Organization 4
1688SOC SCIInternational Studies Quarterly 4
1689SOC SCIJournal of Politics 4
1690SOC SCIRisk Analysis4
1691SOC SCISocial Science and Medicine4
1692SOC SCISocio-Economic Review4
1693SOC SCISociology4
1694SOC SCIAntipode3
1695SOC SCIBritish Journal of Sociology3
1696SOC SCIBusiness Strategy and the Environment3
1697SOC SCIDevelopment and Change3
1698SOC SCIEconomy and Society3
1699SOC SCIElectoral Studies3
1700SOC SCIEnvironmental Science & Technology3
1701SOC SCIEnvironmental Science and Policy3
1702SOC SCIEuropean Sociological Review3
1703SOC SCIGlobal Networks3
1704SOC SCIIndustrial and Corporate Change3
1705SOC SCIJournal of Cultural Economy3
1706SOC SCIJournal of Development Studies3
1707SOC SCIJournal of European Social Policy3
1708SOC SCIJournal of Social Policy3
1709SOC SCINew Political Economy3
1710SOC SCIPolitics and Society3
1711SOC SCIProgress in Human Geography3
1712SOC SCIPublic Opinion Quarterly3
1713SOC SCIQuarterly Journal of Political Science3
1714SOC SCIResearch in Social Stratification and Mobility 3
1715SOC SCIReview of International Political Economy3
1716SOC SCISocial Forces3
1717SOC SCISocial Science Research 3
1718SOC SCISociological Methodology3
1719SOC SCISociological Review3
1720SOC SCISociology of Health and Illness3
1721SOC SCITheory, Culture and Society3
1722SOC SCIWest European Politics3
1723SOC SCIWorld Development3
1724SOC SCIAmerican Journal of Economics and Sociology2
1725SOC SCICapital and Class2
1726SOC SCICritical Social Policy2
1727SOC SCICurrent Sociology2
1728SOC SCIEvaluation2
1729SOC SCIFutures2
1730SOC SCIGeoforum2
1731SOC SCIHabitat International2
1732SOC SCIHuman Organization2
1733SOC SCIInformation Communication and Society2
1734SOC SCIInternational Journal of Development Issues2
1735SOC SCIInternational Journal of Green Energy2
1736SOC SCIInternational Sociology2
1737SOC SCIJournal of Business Law2
1738SOC SCIJournal of Consumer Policy2
1739SOC SCIJournal of Ethnic and Migration Studies2
1740SOC SCIJournal of Industrial Ecology2
1741SOC SCIJournal of Law and Society2
1742SOC SCIJournal of Risk Research2
1743SOC SCIKyklos2
1744SOC SCILand Use Policy2
1745SOC SCIParliamentary Affairs2
1746SOC SCIPolitical Quarterly2
1747SOC SCIPolitical Studies2
1748SOC SCIResearch Evaluation2
1749SOC SCIReview of Social Economy2
1750SOC SCISafety Science2
1751SOC SCIScience and Public Policy2
1752SOC SCIScience and Society2
1753SOC SCIScience, Technology and Society2
1754SOC SCISocial Networks2
1755SOC SCISociety and Business Review2
1756SOC SCITechnology in Society2
1757SOC SCITime and Society2
1758SOC SCIArea1
1759SOC SCIArts and the Market1
1760SOC SCIAsia Europe Journal1
1761SOC SCIChina Report1
1762SOC SCIContemporary Education Dialogue1
1763SOC SCIEnvironmental Economics1
1764SOC SCIEthnic and Racial Studies1
1765SOC SCIEvaluation Review1
1766SOC SCIGeographical Journal1
1767SOC SCIGeopolitics under Globalization1
1768SOC SCIGosudarstvo, Religiia, Tserkov' v Rossii i za Rubezhom / State, Religion and Church in Russia and Worldwide1
1769SOC SCIInternational Journal of Law, Crime and Justice1
1770SOC SCIInternational Journal of Sociology and Social Policy1
1771SOC SCIInternational Journal of Tourism Policy1
1772SOC SCIInternational Migration Review1
1773SOC SCIJournal of Asian Security and International Affairs1
1774SOC SCIJournal of Globalization and Development1
1775SOC SCIJournal of Humanities and Applied Social Sciences1
1776SOC SCIJournal of International Studies1
1777SOC SCIJournal of Leadership Studies1
1778SOC SCIJournal of Studies in International Education 1
1779SOC SCIJournal of Trust Research1
1780SOC SCIManagement of Environmental Quality1
1781SOC SCIMillennial Asia1
1782SOC SCINégociations1
1783SOC SCIPhilosophy of Management1
1784SOC SCIPolicy Sciences1
1785SOC SCIPopulation Studies1
1786SOC SCIProgress in Development Studies1
1787SOC SCIReview of European Studies 1
1788SOC SCIRevista Produção e Desenvolvimento1
1789SOC SCIShe Ji: The Journal of Design, Economics, and Innovation1
1790SOC SCIStudies in Indian Politics1
1791SOC SCISustainable Futures1
1792SOC SCIThe International Journal of Community and Social Development1
1793SOC SCITransactions of the Institute of British Geographers1
1794SOC SCIValuation Studies1
1795SOC SCIZ'GuG Zeitschrift für Gemeinwirtschaft und Gemeinwohl - Journal of Social Economy and Social Welfare1
1796STRATStrategic Management Journal4*
1797STRATGlobal Strategy Journal4
1798STRATLong Range Planning4
1799STRATStrategic Organization3
1800STRATStrategy Science3
1801STRATAdvances in Strategic Management2
1802STRATEuropean Journal of Management and Business Economics2
1803STRATJournal of Competitiveness2
1804STRATJournal of Economics and Management Strategy2
1805STRATJournal of Organization Design2
1806STRATStrategic Change2
1807STRATTechnology Analysis and Strategic Management2
1808STRATCentral European Management Journal1
1810STRATInternational Journal of Strategic Decision Sciences1
1811STRATJournal of Advances in Management Research1
1812STRATJournal of Business Models1
1813STRATJournal of Business Strategy1
1814STRATJournal of Change Management1
1815STRATJournal of Facilities Management1
1816STRATJournal of Strategic Contracting and Negotiation1
1817STRATJournal of Strategy and Management1
1819STRATManagement Review Quarterly1
1820STRATNegotiation and Conflict Management Research1
1821STRATRevista Brasileira de Gestão de Negócios1
1822STRATStrategy and Leadership1

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